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quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Seminário Internacional de Wing Chun 2015 (咏春拳中国际学术研讨会)

Sifu Maria Grothe estará participando do Seminário de Wing Chun a ser realizado no dia 06 e 07 de julho de 2015 na cidade de Curitiba, capital do Estado do Paraná, evento este organizado pelo Grão Mestre James Makáo, ao qual será ao lado dela, um dos palestrantes. Este evento será realizado pela INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF WING CHUN AND KAK KAN CHUN, instituição ao qual foi fundada pelo Mestre James Makáo.
Este evento tem como objetivo principal, demonstrar a arte do Wing Chun bem como seus principais conceitos desde a sua criação em 1664. Já são muitos os participantes deste evento, onde confirmaram suas presenças.
Quem é Sifu Maria Grothe:

Sifu Maria Grothe
Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1995 - 1998
Alternative practitioner of Chinese medicine 1998 - 2008
2001- 2003 study of Lo Man Kam Wing Chun Kung Fu Switzerland (Sifu Marcel Sauder)
2003- 2012 study Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen with different Masters ( Sifu Cheng Kwon , Sifu Michael Tang) and others
2008 Opening of the Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen Academy in Nürnberg, Germany
2008 Master of the German championship of TKV e.v. Traditional Kung Fu Association Germany – Weapons
2009 Master of the German championship of TKV e.v. Traditional Kung Fu Association Germany - Weapons
2010 introduce Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen ever the first time in Slovakia, Serbia ,Rumania, Hungary and Bosnia
2010 Honored from 10. International Hall of fame of Martial Arts as Kung Fu Sifu of the Year
2011 introduce Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen in Italy and create Schools in Italy
2011 introduce Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen on the festival del Oriente (Massa di Carrara-Italy)
2012 Siu lam Wing Chun Kuen on Martial Arts Day in Rome Italy
2012 Direct Student of Master Teddy Lai in Hung Sing Choy Li Fut
2012 founding her own Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen association
2013 Siu lam Wing Chun Kuen on Martial Arts Day in Rome Italy
2014 intruduce Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen in Spain
2015 demonstration of Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen in Sam Shui Canton ( China) at the Hung Kuen Ceremony as the first foreign Sifu ever in the Historie
Sifu Maria Grothe is the first female in Siu Lam Wing Chun Kuen history, who runs a Kung Fu school 2011 represented Weng Chun in Italy and create Weng Chun Schools in Italy

Quem é o Grand Master James Makáo:

He began his studies in Wing Chun in 1961 under the Grand Master Chen Lo care.
He graduated as Master in 1972.
being recognized in Asia as Master and lineage heir of his mentor in 1975.
 Style Chan Chuan practitioner in 1977.
It was the founder of the first school of Wing Chun in 1979 in southern Brazil.
It was a student graduated as Master of expertise with the Honorable Master Chan Wu Li in 1983.
Specializes in Wing Chun in Hong Kong since 1983.
Style Kak Kan founder and promoter of the style in Asia and the Western countries in 1989.

Practitioner style Chan Chuan in 1977, where he founded his School in Curitiba- Pr
The South American champion Gong Fu in Chile in 1990.
Pan American champion Gong Fu in Costa Rica in 1991
Intercontinental Gong Fu champion in 1992 in London.
Founder of the School "International School of Wing Chun and Kak Kan Chun in 2011.Atualmente based in Curitiba.

Grand Master James Makáo- 2015